What's new @ OPENAPRS?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Digi Path Lines

If you hover your mouse over a station the map will now show you a [red] line that traces all of the hops from that stations digi path up to and including the point where it was iGated onto APRS-IS. The catch is you may have to zoom out a little for the polyline to display. It appears that Google Maps has had a history of trouble with polylines displaying at all zoom levels when they go for long distance. And average digi path can span 200 miles which causes this bug to show itself.

Since the digi paths will hop to stations not currently in your displayed view, when you zoom out, wait a couple of a seconds for the map to refresh and the digi that the polyline fell on should appear.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

MICE Parser Fix and Load Balancing

It was brought to my attention that altitude in some MIC-E packets wasn't getting parsed correctly and as a result I went through the code and fixed the bug. Future MIC-E packets with altitude data should now display correctly on the map and in Google Earth. It seems that some devices send MIC-E data with the "telemetry" flag at the end and then don't send the actual expected telemetry data.

I've noticed that we've gotten increasing interest to the site so there has been a lot of extra load on the server which has caused some slow downs. I recently added a new server so now the site is sharing the load between two machines instead of one which should improve performance significantly. I also have a third dual processor machine that is almost ready to go, so in the next couple of months it will be up and running to further help balance out the load of incoming requests.

The iPhone app is still in progress and I'm trying to get it out by the end of the year. There are several different features it will support along with some non-aprs related tools so it's taking a bit longer to finish up.